Checklist: Remodelling Do’s and Don’ts
Jan 12, 2017, 15:33 PM
When it comes to remodelling, you may find yourself a little hesitant to tear down your walls or rip out that old bathroom tile, especially if you have had bad experiences in the past. Precise preparation and some extra precautions on your next home project, however, can help you save you a lot of money and avoid having to re-do the job. All you need is a plan of attack, a budget, and a capable contractor!
Follow this list of remodelling dos and don’ts to avoid future home headaches:

Follow this list of remodelling dos and don’ts to avoid future home headaches:
- Don’t delay decisions: Avoid having to stay an extra week at your in-laws by making all the decisions before the work starts. Delaying decisions related to tiles, paint colour or backsplash may seem small, but when they arrive a week late, it can become a major nuisance.
- Do understand that a ‘deal’ may come at a cost: $700 may sound like a great deal on a new hardwood floor, until it starts to shows signs of wear only one month later. If you have questions about the quality and durability of materials, don’t hesitate to ask your contractor.
- Don’t leave your treasures lying about: Keep anything that is fragile or valuable out of the construction area.
- Do check references: Nearly all nightmare remodelling projects start with a faulty contractor.
- Do your research beforehand to ensure that your contractor is professional, insured, licensed and qualified for the job.
- Don’t change your mind too often: Every time you ask for an adjustment, even if it seems minor, you are prolonging the project and increasing the cost.
- Do budget for the unexpected: Remodelling often involves some unforeseen circumstances that won’t be unveiled until the work has started (deteriorating wood, leaking pipes or growing mold). Leave some wiggle room in your budget for the unexpected fixes that can’t be avoided.
- Don’t overlook building codes and permits: Most homeowners assume that any remodelling done on their own property is considered fair game. Check with your local building department before tackling any renovations, as codes and statutes may need to be taken into consideration. As a rule of thumb, generally any electrical or plumbing work will likely require inspections.
- Do save money through DIY: Stick with the pros for the bigger projects, but the majority of us are handy enough to do some priming and painting on our own.